Introducing the Stars of South Africa’s MY FAIR LADY

The stars who will lead Pieter Toerien Productions and Cape Town Opera’s new production of My Fair Lady have been announced! Brittany Smith and Leah Mari will alternate as Eliza Doolittle, with Craig Urbani taking the role of Henry Higgins. All three performers headlined the recent production of The Sound of Music, which was presented by the same team, with Smith playing Maria Rainer and Mari serving as her alternate, and Urbani playing Georg von Trapp.

Promotional material from Pieter Toerien Productions introducing the stars of MY FAIR LADY.

Steven Stead will be at the helm of this new production of the classic 1956 musical, which tells the tale of a Cockney flower girl who takes speech lessons from a phonetician, to pass as a lady in society. Kevin Kraak will handle the musical direction, navigating a score studded with timeless show tunes like “I Could Have Danced All Night,” “Get Me to the Church on Time,” “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly,” “I’m An Ordinary Man,” “On the Street Where You Live,” “Show Me,” “The Rain in Spain,” and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face.” Choreography will be by Duane Alexander, while the design will be handled by Greg King.

My Fair Lady will run in Cape Town at the Artscape Opera House from 12 December 2024 through 12 January 2025, before transferring to Johannesburg’s Teatro Montecasino for a month-long run from 23 January 2025.

Bookings are open at Webtickets for both the Cape Town and Johannesburg seasons.

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